Unique and Thoughtful Christening Gift Ideas

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Unique and Thoughtful Christening Gift Ideas

A christening is a very special event for a child, and it is an honour to be invited to witness or participate in it. However, this invitation does raise a tricky question: What gift should you give? Here at Wowow Toys, we have extensive experience in gift-giving, and we've put together a list of heartfelt and meaningfull gift ideas. We've also provided some essential information about what occurs during a christening. So, are you prepared? Here is our useful guide to the event and gift-giving etiquette at christenings!

What actually happens at a Christening?

Christening taking place

Photo by Josh Applegate on

A customary practice, sometimes referred to as baptism, involves a religious ceremony where guardians of the child make a commitment to raise them according to values associated with a particular religion. While the ceremony usually involves confirming the baby's name, this is typically recorded elsewhere. The ceremony usually involves a church leader pouring water on the baby's head in a ritual known as baptism. Parents and sponsors also pledge to raise the child with adherence to the religion's principles.

This ceremony is not specific to any one religious denomination. In the Church of England, the christening is often done during the normal Sunday service, with the entire congregation witnessing the ritual. Conversely, the Catholic Church usually conducts the ceremony separately.

In addition to the religious celebration, some people also hold secular events to celebrate a new child, such as thanksgiving, blessing, or baby-naming ceremonies. Regardless of the type of ceremony, the intent is the same: to celebrate the beginning of the child's life.

Christenings are typically done within the child's first year, although some parents may opt to wait until they are older. Regardless of when the ceremony takes place, it represents the start of the child's spiritual journey and introduces them to the religious customs and practices of their community.


What is an appropriate amount to spend on a christening present?

How much should you spend on a christening gift?Photo by Wijdan Mq on Unsplash

When choosing a christening gift, it can be helpful to use the cost of a birthday present as a reference point and consider buying them something that's similar to what you'd give them on their birthday. Remember that christening gifts don't necessarily have to be religious in nature. For instance, a soft toy can be a wonderful gift for either a birthday or a christening.

Here are some factors to consider when deciding how much to spend on a christening gift:

  • Your relationship to the child and parents: If you are a close friend or family member, you may want to spend a little more than if you are an acquaintance.
  • Your budget: Don't spend more than you can afford. A simple card with a thoughtful message is always a welcome gift.
  • The child's age: If the child is very young, they may not appreciate a more expensive gift. A toy or book is a good choice.
  • The occasion: If the christening is a large, formal event, you may want to spend more than if it is a small, informal gathering.

Ultimately, the decision of how much to spend on a christening gift is up to you. There is no right or wrong answer. Just remember to choose a gift that you think the child and parents will appreciate.

Here are some Christening gift ideas

Traditional Christening Gifts

Christening jewellery gifts

Jewellery is a classic christening gift, and there are many different options to choose from. You can find silver or gold pieces that are personalised with the child's name and date of birth, or you can choose something more unique, such as a charm bracelet or a necklace with a cross. 

Bible christening gift

A Bible is a timeless and meaningful gift that the child will cherish for years to come. You can find illustrated children's Bibles that are perfect for young readers.

  • A Charity Gift

Charity gifts are a thoughtful and meaningful way to mark a child's christening. There are many different charities to choose from, so you can find one that is close to your heart. You can either make a donation in the child's name, or you can purchase a gift that the charity will distribute on the child's behalf.

Modern Christening Gifts

  • A First Tooth Box
First tooth box christening gift

First tooth boxes are a fun and sentimental way to mark a child's milestones. They are usually made of wood or silver, and they come with a place to store the child's first teeth. Some first tooth boxes also have a built-in timer, so you can track when each tooth falls out.

  • A Personalised Book

A personalised book is a unique and thoughtful gift that the child will love to read over and over again. You can find books that are personalised with the child's name, or you can choose a book that is about a child's journey through life.

    With a little thought and effort, you can choose a christening gift that the child and parents will cherish for years to come.


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